Alle NewsBattlefield 1 - DICE nennt die Inhalte des August-Updates

Battlefield 1 – DICE nennt die Inhalte des August-Updates

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Auch im August liefert DICE ein neues Update für „Battlefield 1“, das einige Änderungen mit sich bringt. Zwar gibt es bisher kein genaues Datum, dafür ist nun der vorläufige Inhalt bekannt.

Battlefield 1

„Battlefield 1“ ist seit dem 21. Oktober 2016 für die PlayStation 4, Xbox One und den PC im Handel erhältlich. Erstmals innerhalb der Reihe spielt ein Ableger im Ersten Weltkrieg, was neuen Schwung mit sich bringt. Und wenn ihr wissen wollt, was wir von „Battlefield 1“ halten, schaut hier vorbei.

Die vorläufigen Inhalte


  • Stationary MGs will no longer deal damage to nearby players when destroyed.
  • Fixed issue where the receiver of a bayonet charge would not get an audio cue before being hit.
  • Fixed issue where a 3p soldier would continue to yell (as if they were charging) even if the charge was cancelled.
  • Fixed issue where single-fire or semi-auto weapons could have part of their firing sound cut off if the player switched weapons immediately after firing.
  • Synchronized weapon firing/muzzle flash correctly to bullet firing and damage screen to improve correctness of replicated bullet logic.
  • Fixed issue that could cause weapon loadout UI to disappear under certain conditions.


  • Airplane rocket crosshair should no longer be faded.
  • Increased the turn speed of the horse by 25% while standing still.
  • Triggering a reload while galloping on the horse will no longer cause the horse to stop sprinting.
  • Horses automatically jumping over obstacles should now be much more reliable.
  • Fixed an animation bug where the reload animation would play when it shouldn’t have after getting on a horse.


  • Squad spawning improvements to reduce spawning into enemies.
  • Minor tweaks to minimize the “Spawn Train” effect.


  • Add Network Smoothing Option inside Advanced Gameplay Options for low ping players.
  • Added gameplay profile option to select whether on spawn the minimap should be reset to the default zoom or the last zoom state.
  • Implemented optional combined map zoom (on press) / big map (hold) functionality in a single button mapping.
  • Added a new option under Controls->Basic to switch between a toggle or hold for sprinting with the horse.
  • PC ONLY – In the keybindings screen mouse mappings are now shown as icons.


  • Added fix to prevent late damage effects from lossy high ping connections.
  • Fixed Vegetation destruction delays.
  • Fixed vehicle destruction so that transition to destroyed state happens flawlessly, this was particularly bad for airplanes when getting destroyed mid-air.
  • Prevent stacking damage and suppression from high ping players.


  • Fixed an issue where picking up an enemy soldier’s kit would cause the player to start speaking the enemy team’s language.
  • Added DX12 MGPU support.

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